Here's a collection of projects that I want to showcase and write stuff about, with (hopefully) interesting details in their logs/articles, and ordered by (my entirely subjective criteria of) however I feel like.
During the course of a days-long conversation, back in 2019, with a friend about grooveboxes like Teenage Engineering's OP-1 and Critter & Guitari's Organelle, I came across a flea market in Steglitz, here in Berlin, where I found an old Casio SA-10 keyboard, which I managed to haggle the price down to 5€. Then, arriving home, it clicked: I could use Pure Data with one (of the not so few) Raspberry Pi boards that I collected, and through some electronics interfacing I could stuff that Pi inside the keyboard.
This series of project logs will cronicle the saga of this project, that also started including other acquired (and subsequently hacked and pure-data-ified) toy keyboards.
As an effect of the COVID-19 pandemic that evolved throughout 2020, we all started using facemasks to protect each other from contamination. But as it gets harder to convey expression with a mask on, I started developing this mask (which was definitely not inspired by helmets worn by the Daft Punk duo *sarcasm*) to give others some proxy visualization of my emotional state.
I'm using the powerful and surprisingly energy-efficient ESP32 as a basis for this project, running with a Li-Poly battery with a charger/voltage converter module that I adapted to use USB power to charge. I also managed to make it display looped animations from .gif formatted images (try finding - or even making - 32x8 pixel sized animations...) and scrolling text (with accents and everything), and these visualizations can be switched with a Bluetooth Low Energy serial port app, which is usually readily available on major mobile app stores for free.
This series of project logs will cronicle the saga of this project.
So, there's this portable computer from the early 90's, the Atari Portfolio - it's a cozy little machine, that even made a cameo on one of the Terminator movies as the ATM-hacking machine - and a few years ago I bought one at a flea market here in Berlin. When I tested the machine, the LCD display was kind of messed up, and I became terribly aware that the machine lacked any built-in storage, relying on either keeping data in RAM (thus having it wiped whenever batteries got empty) or using specific low capacity (for nowadays standards) memory cards.
Well, the display was already a candidate for replacement, so I started measuring some things, and came up with an idea: what if I replaced its guts with a Raspberry Pi? A Pi Zero would fit in there with room to spare, and a Pi 3 A+ looked promising with the size of the board. A "dead" Macbook Pro battery provided a set of surprisingly healthy 3.7V Li-Poly cells to use in more projects, and a single cell fit snugly inside the Portfolio chassis (upon removal of a few plastic posts), along with the charger circuit with a DC-DC boost converter up to 5V. Slap a small MIPI display and we're in business.
This series of project logs will cronicle the saga of this project.